Tuesday, September 25, 2007

honey, get the camera....!

In preparation for the rise of the craft empire, I'm taking the advice of a seasoned veteran (thanks my great new mentor...Jenn at http://stilettoheights.blogspot.com) and writing my very first blog...
look at me ma, I'm blogging!
My life is on the verge of a shift, hopefully not one where the earth opens up and swallows you whole....but either way, I'm gonna be prepared and ready to embrace it.

I've been working hard on my glass for a while now and have created quite an inventory. Working the craft show circuit, I've found an outlet to reach the public and sell my work. I quite enjoy the shows, even though I never imagined I would...it's a great way to connect with people and create personal and professional relationships. The work load is pretty intense... a lot of setting up and tearing down...also long hours, but I think it's worth it if I can begin to make a living doing what I love.

I love playing with glass....hot glass, cold glass, warm glass...all kinds of glass!

I am getting ready to finish my sentence...uh I mean, time...uhh I guess I mean: employment at the CAGC. I'm part-relieved and part-disappointed....I worked incredibly hard to help get that place off of the ground, but no amount of hard work could surmount an alcoholic owner who was minimally-committed (at best) and would neglect to write pay checks for weeks...
and weeks....
and weeks...
and weeks....
(and weeks, sometimes...no 4 real, it was that ridiculous)

I mean, I understand that small businesses need some time to get their finances straight, but it is unacceptable (and illegal) to not pay your employees for the hours that they have worked.

I'm really trying to get past this...and I know I will once friday at 4pm rolls around....my time will be over there, for good.

Now, I know that when one door closes (or in this case, is exited)...another door opens....I've committed to working on my art work and building the Craft Empire with my fellow artist-extraordinares....Kerri (www.frechstudio.etsy.com), Deanne (www.dragonstoneglass.com) and George.

Kerri and I will be setting up our personal studios at the Lake Erie Artists Gallery (www.lakeerieartists.etsy.com) located in Tower City Center in downtown Cleveland. The space is great...the whole back kitchen area of what used to be a Fuddrucker's restaurant. The whole front area is a beautiful gallery space exhibiting and selling work from local and regional artists. The group is a co-op of artists who meet, networking and pool their time and resources to sell their works at craft shows and through the gallery.

We will be setting up shop there to work on our own work....Kerri is an inventive and talented stained glass artist....I am happy to have a place to spread out since I am currently working in a small, make-do studio in the garage. Less than ideal, I can tell you that much. We will also be offering classes, which I am totally psyched about....my passion in life is to create beautiful work and share my gifts with others!

We'll be offering beginning Fusing and Slumping classes and Jewelry Making Techniques(taught by myself), as well as, Stained Glass and Mosaics (taught by Kerri). I am looking forward to building a small, torch-working studio to teach beadmaking and small sculptural work classes.

I will keep you all posted on the progress of the craft empire...we're building now, but one day we will be strong!

So, I think that's about all for now....wow, I'm surprised at how easy and therapeutic blogging can be....I feel just like Carrie Bradshaw! I'm sure that this is one of many steps in the right direction. I might not be a famous glass artist now, but I'll get there....so buy now, while it's still cheap! Ha ha ha

Until next time....


1 comment:

stilettoheights said...

welcome to the blogging world Jenn!!!